
How to Make a Good Logo: The Dos and Don’ts in 2024

How to Make a Good Logo: The Dos and Don’ts in 2024 Kanhaiya Sharma · min read

How to Make a Good Logo some basic tips to make a timeless logo for your brand.

Here are some dos and don’ts for creating a good logo:


Keep it simple

A logo should be easy to read and understand at a glance. Avoid using too many colors or elements, as they can clutter the design and make it difficult to remember. Simplicity is important in logo design because it allows the design to be easily recognizable and memorable. A simple design is also easier to reproduce and can be used effectively across a variety of media.
Read more: Importance of simplicity in logo design

Use appropriate typography

Yes, using appropriate typography is an important consideration when designing a logo. The font you choose should be legible and easy to read, and it should also be appropriate for your brand. For example, a formal, traditional brand might use a serif font, while a modern, tech-focused brand might use a sans-serif font.

Here are a few other tips for choosing the right typography for your logo:

  1. Consider the style of your brand: The font you choose should reflect the style and tone of your brand. For example, a playful, informal brand might use a fun, handwritten font, while a more serious, professional brand might use a more formal, sans-serif font.
  2. Keep it simple: A logo should be easy to read and understand, so avoid using overly complicated or decorative fonts.
  3. Use font pairing: Combining two or more fonts can add visual interest to your logo, but it’s important to choose fonts that work well together. Avoid using fonts that are too similar or that clash with each other.
  4. Test your font choices: Make sure to test your font choices by viewing them at different sizes and on different backgrounds. This will help you ensure that your logo is legible and looks good in different contexts.

Consider color

The colors you choose for your logo can have a big impact on how it is perceived. Consider the meanings and associations of different colors, and choose a palette that reflects your brand’s values and personality.

Here are a few tips for choosing the right colors for your logo:

  1. Consider the meanings and associations of different colors: Different colors can evoke different emotions and associations in people. For example, red is often associated with energy and passion, while blue is often associated with calmness and reliability.
  2. Choose a color palette that reflects your brand’s personality: Think about the personality of your brand, and choose a color palette that reflects that. For example, a fun, playful brand might use bright, vibrant colors, while a more serious, professional brand might use more muted, neutral colors.
  3. Consider the context in which your logo will be used: The colors you choose should also be appropriate for the context in which your logo will be used. For example, if your logo will be used on a dark background, you might want to choose colors that are light enough to be legible.
  4. Use color combinations that work well together: It’s important to choose colors that work well together and create a cohesive, harmonious look. Avoid using too many colors, as this can make your logo look cluttered and confusing.

Do make it scalable

it’s important to make sure that your logo is scalable, which means that it looks good at a variety of sizes. This is important because your logo will likely be used on a variety of platforms and materials, such as websites, business cards, and social media profiles, and it needs to be legible and effective at different sizes.

Here are a few tips for making sure your logo is scalable:

  1. Use vector graphics: Vector graphics are made up of lines and curves, rather than pixels, which means that they can be resized without losing quality. This makes them a good choice for logos, as they can be used at a variety of sizes without losing clarity.
  2. Keep it simple: A simple logo is easier to scale and will look good at different sizes. Avoid using too many details or elements in your logo, as they can become distorted or hard to see when the logo is scaled down.
  3. Test your logo at different sizes: Make sure to test your logo at different sizes to ensure that it looks good and is legible at all sizes.
  4. Use a consistent line weight: Using a consistent line weight will help your logo maintain its balance and readability when it is scaled up or down.

By following these tips, you can create a logo that looks good and is effective at a variety of sizes.

Do consider your target audience

Think about who your logo is intended for, and design it in a way that will appeal to them.

consider your target audience when designing a logo. Your logo should be designed in a way that will appeal to your target audience and communicate your brand’s values and personality.

Here are a few tips for considering your target audience when designing a logo:

  1. Research your audience: Learn as much as you can about your target audience, including their demographics, interests, and values. This will help you design a logo that resonates with them.
  2. Use colors and fonts that appeal to your audience: Different colors and fonts can have different meanings and associations, and can appeal to different audiences. Choose colors and fonts that will appeal to your target audience and reflect your brand’s values.
  3. Keep your audience in mind when developing your brand’s personality: Consider your target audience when developing your brand’s personality and voice. This will help you create a logo that resonates with them and reflects your brand’s values.

By considering your target audience when designing your logo, you can create a design that effectively communicates your brand’s message and appeals to your intended audience.


Don’t copy other logos

It’s important to be original and avoid copying the logos of other brands.
Read More : How to protect your logo and brand name

Copying the logos of other brands can lead to legal issues, as well as damage your brand’s reputation and credibility.

Here are a few reasons why it’s important to avoid copying other logos:

  1. It’s illegal: Most logos are protected by copyright laws, which means that you can’t use them without permission. Using someone else’s logo without permission could lead to legal action.
  2. It damages your brand’s reputation: Using someone else’s logo can make it look like you are trying to pass yourself off as someone else or copy their success. This can damage your brand’s reputation and credibility.
  3. It’s unoriginal: Copying someone else’s logo won’t help your brand stand out or be unique. Instead, try to come up with an original design that reflects your brand’s values and personality.

It’s always a good idea to create your own original logo rather than copying someone else’s. This will help you avoid legal issues and create a strong, unique brand identity. It’s important to avoid copying other logos when designing your own.

Don’t use clip art or stock images

It’s generally a good idea to avoid using clip art or stock images in your logo. Using these types of images can make your logo look unoriginal and generic, and can also make it difficult to create a consistent brand identity.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to avoid using clip art or stock images in your logo:

  1. They lack originality: Clip art and stock images are typically used by many different people, which means that your logo could end up looking like someone else’s. This can make it difficult for your brand to stand out and be unique.
  2. They can look low quality: Many clip art and stock images are of low quality and resolution, which can make your logo look blurry or pixelated when viewed at larger sizes.
  3. They can be difficult to customize: It can be difficult to customize clip art and stock images to fit your specific needs and branding. This can make it hard to create a logo that truly reflects your brand.

Instead of using clip art or stock images, consider designing a custom logo using vector graphics or creating your own original artwork. This will help your logo look professional and unique, and will help you create a strong brand identity.

Don’t overdo it with effects

Adding too many effects, such as drop shadows or gradients, can make your logo look cluttered and unbalanced.

It’s generally a good idea to avoid using too many effects, such as drop shadows or gradients, in your logo. Using too many effects can make your logo look cluttered and unbalanced, and can make it difficult to read and remember.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to avoid overdoing it with effects in your logo:

  1. They can make your logo look cluttered: Using too many effects can make your logo look busy and hard to read. It’s important to keep your logo simple and clean, so that it’s easy to understand and remember.
  2. They can make your logo look unbalanced: Using too many effects can make your logo look unbalanced and confusing. It’s important to create a cohesive, harmonious design that looks balanced and visually appealing.
  3. They can make your logo hard to read: Some effects, such as drop shadows or gradients, can make text in your logo hard to read. It’s important to make sure that your logo is legible and easy to read, especially at smaller sizes.
  4. They can be distracting: Using too many effects can distract from the overall design of your logo and make it less effective. It’s important to strike a balance and use effects in a way that enhances your logo, rather than detracting from it.

By avoiding overdoing it with effects, you can create a clean, simple logo that is easy to read and remember.

Don’t use too many colors

Using too many colors in your logo can make it look chaotic and hard to remember.

Using too many colors in your logo can make it look chaotic and confusing, and can make it hard for people to remember. It’s generally a good idea to limit the number of colors you use in your logo to two or three at most.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to avoid using too many colors in your logo:

  1. It can make your logo look cluttered: Using too many colors can make your logo look busy and hard to read. It’s important to keep your logo simple and clean, so that it’s easy to understand and remember.
  2. It can be hard to remember: Using too many colors can make it harder for people to remember your logo. It’s generally easier for people to remember logos that use a limited color palette.
  3. It can be more expensive to print: Using too many colors can increase the cost of printing your logo on physical materials, such as business cards or brochures.
  4. It can be harder to replicate: Using too many colors can make it more difficult to reproduce your logo consistently, especially if you are using pantone colors or other specialty inks.

By limiting the number of colors you use in your logo, you can create a clean, simple design that is easy to read and remember.

Don’t use overly complicated designs

A logo should be simple and easy to understand, so avoid using overly complicated designs.

It’s generally a good idea to avoid using overly complicated designs for your logo. A logo should be simple and easy to understand so that it’s easy to read and remember.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to avoid using overly complicated designs for your logo:

  1. It can make your logo hard to read: An overly complicated design can make your logo hard to read and understand, especially at smaller sizes. It’s important to keep your logo simple and easy to read.
  2. It can be hard to remember: A complicated logo is harder for people to remember than a simple one. It’s generally easier for people to remember logos that are simple and easy to understand.
  3. It can be more expensive to reproduce: An overly complicated design may require more colors or special printing techniques, which can increase the cost of reproducing your logo on physical materials.
  4. It can be less flexible: A complicated logo may not work as well in different contexts or at different sizes. It’s important to create a logo that is flexible and adaptable.

By avoiding overly complicated designs, you can create a simple, effective logo that is easy to read and remember.

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